
Naughas are considered sacred by some of the Kahina sects. This is an old religion practiced by many of the Al-Nisrae and even some of the Al-Zamin. It is headed by the Kahina, or idol priests. They believe that divinity is found in all things, and that through the worship of certain items of power, one may come to understand the will of the fates. These beliefs predate the worship of the gods and have been passed down verbally through the Kahina. They respect the gods but draw their strength from the land itself.

Ogres put great store in the observance of religious rites. Ogre priests believe in the validity of all gods and hold none superior to another.

An Ogre from any class may join the priesthood. All priests can be warriors if they fight for their faith. Holy warriors are greatly admired and respected. They are the only warriors not led by the Kheps, but answer to the Qallahs.

Wandering priests, called the Paynizam, believe others can be shown to live in accordance with the will of the fates by example and debate. The Paynizam are devoted to the needs of the common man. They are charismatic men, often traveling far from their temples, calling followers to them. They are recognized by their vestments, adorned with the symbols of their faith.

The High Priests call on the Paynizam to gain converts, educate the masses or perform social services. Missions involving recovery of artifacts, investigation and interpretation of phenomena or events in distant places, are considered an honor by the Paynizam. The Qalifehs and Camirs tithe to support their work. They also collect alms from the people.

Qallahs, temple priests, see to the needs of the faithful and the needs of the deities. The Qatchah tithe the Qallahs to support the temples. The Qallahs also accept offerings from the commoners. Qallahs duties include the temple prayer ceremonies. These involve intricate prayer circles drawn in colored chalks. The varying designs depend on astrological observations of the priests. Prayers are more likely to be heard by a god if the positions of the stars are correct. Qallahs also conduct the morning salutation to the gods. This is performed in the public squares of the temples.

Ogres are reverential towards the Mystics who appear among them. The Mystics are reclusive priests who have been "touched" by the gods. They are often strange and flamboyant types. Mystics are respected but considered unorthodox by the Paynizam and the Qallahs. The Mystics are supported totally from the offerings of the people. Gifts are left at sacred shrines found near crossroads or in isolated areas near a Mystic's dwelling. The Mystics are known for their augury skills and make great revelations and predictions.

They practice the art of drawing power circles, similar to prayer circles, to obtain omens and revelations interpreted by the Mystics through study of the signs. They enter a meditative state to achieve their goals. The Qabarian priests believe in ascension; the worthies are granted great powers in the after life, becoming heralds and messengers of the gods. Some believe the Mystics to be such messengers.

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