
Hospitality is considered a paramount virtue in Ogre society. They are generous to friend and stranger alike. An Ogre assumes responsibility for his guests and prides himself on how well he treats and protects those in his care. It would be contemptuous for an Ogre to harm even an enemy once accepted as a guest.

The sharing of kahve is the traditional symbol of accepting one as a guest in an Ogre home. When friend, stranger, or even an enemy, comes to an Ogre's home or tent, it is an obligation of honor to invite that person to share kahve. Even the poorest of families keeps enough kahve on hand to make a ceremonial drink for the kahveklatch. Once kahve has been shared, an Ogre is under obligation to provide hospitality and safety to the guest for a day and a night. The guest is expected to treat his host as he would expect to be treated. It is considered dishonorable to break the irenicon of the kahveklatch.

Kahve is usually served in small cups kept for this purpose. Wealthy families often have elaborate kahveklatch utensils they display with pride. However, even a lone traveler will have some way to share kahve - even kahve flavored hard candies shared by two strangers at the side of a trail can serve to symbolize the truce of the kahveklatch. Refusing an offer of kahve from an Ogre is an insult and a gesture of animosity. It is not required that large quantities be consumed, merely a taste is sufficient.

Ogres love kahve. They always have it with them, even when traveling. They drink it hot, iced, flavored, and sweetened or plain. It is used in cooking and baking. Chocolate covered kahve beans are a coveted delicacy. Kahve ices or ice creams are popular. Street venders in the towns and villages often sell kahve products.

Kahve consumed on one's own, even in the company of others, does not carry any obligation. However, it is considered impolite and inappropriate to ask to share kahve if it has not been offered. An honorable man would not refuse, but the one who asked would be considered to lose face. If a man made a practice of this, he would be considered an opportunist, a coward, and an unscrupulous exploiter of the tradition. You may ask to buy kahve.

Namek is another Ogre drink. It is made from Naugha milk and is very potent. It is an acquired taste - prized by Ogres, but not usually appreciated by others. It has been described by some as reminiscent of sour milk flavored with turpentine. It is used sparingly in religious ceremonies.

Ogres are also fond of tabacco and other smoking mixtures. They prefer water pipes or other types of pipes for their many varieties of tobaccos and other smoking herbs. They also smoke cigarettes and cigars.

The homes of the Al-Zamin are decorated with finely woven carpets and comfortable floor pillows. Even inside their buildings, the draped curtains and elaborately dyed and embroidered wall hangings give the impression of being in a nomad's tent or yurt. The Al-Nisrae heritage of the Ogre society is made apparent by the manner in which they decorate their homes.

Brass and enamelware utensils and ornamentations are used throughout the dwellings. The furnishings of the wealthy Al-Zamin are carved and gilded. Fine blown glassware is highly prized. Their music uses many types of percussion instruments; drums, tambourines and finger cymbals. The sitar is a favored instrument, used also in temple ceremonies. They place great pride on their dancing. Wealthy Al-Zamin keep slave harems of highly trained dancers and musicians for their entertainment.

Qabara has a thriving merchant class. They are exporters of glassware, embroidered fabrics, fine carpets, grains, spices, and naugha products. The glassworks of Qabara rival the dragon glass of San Wan in beauty if not in durability.

Naughas, cattle like beasts, are the backbone of Qabarian economy. The upper elevations, the cold high deserts, provide grazing during the summer months. The Al-Nisrae wander the lower shrub-steppes from the dry autumn and winter seasons through the following spring in search of grass. They exchange grazing rights on the stubble left from the harvests with the farmers on the outskirts of the settlements, in exchange for providing the farmers with valuable dung fertilizer. The herders clip the long hair from the naughas shoulders and wind it into skeins to sell to the villagers. From this wool the fine Qabarian carpets are woven. The naughas provide hides and leather, hair and the fine wool from their insulating undercoats. They also provide meat, milk, and horn.

All parts of the naugha are utilized. The nomadic tribes even use naugha chips as fuel. Domesticated naughas are used as beasts of burden and as plow animals by the Al-Zamin peasantry as well as by the Al-Nisrae.

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