Social Structure:

The Sea Elves live in small villages that are for the most part self-sufficient, though are usually only a few days travel by ship from the next nearest and can depend on their neighbors for help if it is required. Villages are expected to take care of their own and any matter affecting the entire village is brought before the Council of Three, made up of the three eldest inhabitants of the village. It is expected that their decision will be respected.

Inheritance of wealth among the Sea Elves is matrilineal. Sea Elves are more involved with outside trade than their Forest cousins and do use money among themselves as well. Although any village that fails to support a member incapable of fending for him or herself will find itself ostracized very quickly.

A Sea Elf will most often live in the home of his/her parents until marriage. If a couple from different villages marries the husband will most commonly move to his wife?s home.

Most Sea Elves can sail, fish and dive. Which is not surprising considering that their living comes from the sea, and most of their trade goods as well. They also often make a fair profit salvaging from ships less able than the shallow hulled Elven vessels to navigate the rock-strewn coastline.

In fact, a favorite trick of many Elven captains is to lead the larger, heavier Magorian vessels through reefs that will tear out their bottoms. It is also not uncommon for a perfectly innocuous seeming fishing vessel to turn pirate at the sight of a Magorian vessel. Though there are rarely any career warriors aboard most Elves can fight, and there are frequently mages profcienct in weather and fire spells, which are often quite deadly.

Though the Sea Elves are less violent than the Forest or Wild Elves it has become common for most villages to pay one or two Champions, trained swordsmen or women, to keep an eye on the merchants, and make sure quarrels between the young people don?t reach dangerous levels. This position will often remain in one family for an extended period of time.

If a matter comes up that could affect the entire Coast, which is rare, a Council of Elders is called. One representative of each village travels to Tirnua, where the matter is argued out thoroughly and decided by a vote.

The Sea Elves believe in burial at sea, and like the other Elves they wait three days to send their dead to rest.

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