***The Kings of Altoria***

Kaldorn Astarn

Gheldar Astarn

Trandere Astarn

Tomaht Faltorn

Kevin Faltorn

Rohan Faltorn

Riyan Faltorn

Goryanl Faltorn

Jored Faltorn

Garon Faltorn

Gregor Faltorn

Kevlin Astarn

Orword Astarn

Maldon Astarn

Tokarl Faltorn

Malkar Astarn

Ghemar Astarn

Maht Faltorn

Emal Faltorn

Kalaht Faltorn

Averal Arlen

Kavral Arlen

Ghere Arlen

Mael Astarn

Bordon Astarn

Jareth Faltorn

Kaerl Astarn

Collan Hood

Wesley Hood


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