Find yourself tempted to say %$#@ and !@$& too often? The Elizabethan equivalents are much more fun and don't make parents with children glare at you in restaurants. You could say "fie" or you could swear by "Toran's teeth." Combine one word from each of the three columns below (or omit either Column 1 or Column 2, or both, for just a quick jab), prefaced with "Thou":
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Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
artless | base-court | apple-john |
bawdy | bat-fowling | baggage |
beslobbering | beef-witted | barnacle |
bootless | beetle-headed | bladder |
churlish | boil-brained | boar-pig |
cockered | dismal-dreaming | clotpole |
dissembling | dizzy-eyed | coxcomb |
droning | doghearted | codpiece |
errant | >dread-bolted | death-token |
fawning | earth-vexing | dewberry |
fobbing | elf-skinned | flap-dragon |
froward | fat-kidneyed | flax-wench |
>frothy | fen-sucked | flirt-gill |
gleeking | flap-mouthed | foot-licker |
goatish | >fly-bitten | fustilarian |
gorbellied | folly-fallen | giglet |
impertinent | fool-born | gudgeon |
infectious | full-gorged | haggard |
jarring | guts-griping | harpy |
loggerheaded | half-faced | hedge-pig |
lumpish | hasty-witted | horn-beast |
mammering | hedge-born | hugger-mugger |
>mangled | hell-hated | jolthead |
mewling | idle-headed | ewdster |
paunchy | ill-breeding | lout |
pribbling | ill-nurtured | maggot-pie |
puking | knotty-pated | malt-worm |
puny | milk-livered | mammet |
quailing | motley-minded | measle |
rank | onion-eyed | minnow |
reeky | plume-plucked | miscreant |
roguish | pottle-deep | moldwarp |
ruttish | pox-marked | mumble-news |
saucy | reeling-ripe | nut-hook |
spleeny | rough-hewn | pigeon-egg |
spongy | rude-growing | pignut |
surly | rump-fed | puttock |
tottering | shard-borne | pumpion |
unmuzzled | sheep-biting | ratsbane |
vain | >spur-galled | scut |
venomed | swag-bellied | skainsmate |
villainous | tardy-gaited | strumpet |
warped | tickle-brained | varlet |
wayward | toad-spotted | vassal |
weedy | urchin-snouted | whey-face |
yeasty | weather-bitten | wagtail |