The Laws:

The Elves expect guests to know and abide by their laws (as does any culture). Elven laws are simple:

    1. Theft is forbidden

    2. Murder is forbidden

    3. No treasonous acts

    4. Warriors shall obey the the Laws of Honor in warfare (only enforced in Elven war)

    5. One does not harm or threaten a bard

If there is any question of whether violation of the Laws has occurred it is treated as a question of personal honor and resolved with a duel to first blood (the Chieftain fights for the state if a champion is required, ifs/he is incapable his/her heir takes his/her place) , if the accused is determined guilty of Laws 1 or 3 he/she is banished. If he or she is guilty of Laws 2, 4, (or 5 if unwitnessed) the sentence is death. It is customary that any member of a warband that witnesses a violation of Law 5 kills the offender on the spot. The Elves believe their traditional duels reflect the will of their gods, especially Slyvus Strongbow, The Protector, and thus accurately reflect guilt and innocence.

However, in cases where the accused are not members of a warband it is common for two champions to fight rather than to allow an obviously uneven duel to occur. Members of the warband accept such fight as part of their duty to their tribes.

The Laws of Honor in warfare are not as codified as the above laws, yet they are understood. There are things that are simply not done. Ambushes are not allowed, nor is interference once two swordsmen are engaged. If one side is grossly outnumbered it is normal for a battle between champions to be substituted for combat. An unconscious opponent is rarely slain, more commonly they are ransomed back to their own tribe. Attacks are made only during daylight hours, and only during the summer months. Above all any altercations between the Elven tribes are considered secondary to any outside threat and the tribes are expected to come to each other's aid against outside attack.

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